All Things Denote There is a God- Beauty out of Ashes

Isaiah, chapter 61, teaches that through the Atonement of Christ the Lord can bring forth beauty from the ashes of our lives. As in all things, He teaches us these truths through symbols that are part of our everyday journey. I photographed the Las Vegas sunset at about 6pm three days ago. It was nearly dark outside. One photo was taken with normal exposure settings and the image was very dark without detail or color. But the image in this post was taken with a longer exposure of 30 seconds. This allowed the hidden gems of design and color in the sunset to become manifest. Indeed, the patience for setting up the longer exposure, and patience in digital processing, took this image from ashes to beauty. As we are patient in obedience to the Lord and as we allow Him to process our lives through trials and afflictions, He will indeed make the dark ashes of our lives beautiful, in this life and in the life to come.

Las Vegas Sunset Nov 5, 2015

Las Vegas Sunset Nov 5, 2015

All Things Denote there is a God- The Miracle of Uniqueness

Of the 100+ billion estimated souls that have lived upon the earth, it is miraculous that each and every person has a unique set of characteristics, tendencies and abilities. Each of us is a uniquely endowed spirit child of Heavenly Father. The doctrine of individuality is symbolically echoed to us in our daily walk. Every finger print has its own identity. The unique pattern of clouds in our sky each day is a singular masterpiece of design and color. Each of us is a creation of God, unlike any other. Each of us matters deeply to Him.

Las Vegas Sunset Nov 5, 2015

Las Vegas Sunset Nov 5, 2015

Gratitude- We Can All Be Thankful For Something

Our happiness is a direct result of our degree of gratitude. And our ability to be grateful is a result of our effort to remember and consider our personal blessings. Too often we look beyond the blessings that stare us in the face as we hope for something more in the future. But peace and contentment will come as we remember God’s blessed gifts of the past and as we recognize His blessed offerings in our lives today. We may feel we are in one of life’s dark caves but there is always light within our reach if we will but stop to recognize and appreciate it.

Yant Flat, Southern Utah

Yant Flat, Southern Utah

Joy in the Journey- The Present is a Gift

I love this peaceful little scene from Southern Utah. I don’t need to know the origin of this stream or its final destination to be able to appreciate the serenity and beautiful colors that are before me. In such simple, everyday settings, God teaches us to enjoy that which is before us now. It is spiritually unhealthy for us to ruminate over where we have been in the past and it is equally damaging for us to worry excessively about future concerns over which we have little control. We must trust the Lord in all things pertaining to the past and the future. He has provided the way through His atonement for us to put past issues behind us and He has provided the way for the future to work out for our good as we trust Him and follow Him. It is only in the present that we can actively feel God’s love and His influence through His Spirit. We must enjoy the present time, those things that are before us right now. It is in today that we will find joy.

Spring Creek, Southern Utah

Spring Creek, Southern Utah

Joy in the Journey- Solitude

We all want it. We all need it. But our fast-paced, demanding schedules make it very hard to come by. It takes planning and a concerted effort to bring moments of solitude to our souls. Yet, it is well-worth the effort, a treasure beyond monetary value. Out of solitude is born reflection, meditation, prayer, and peace. What more could we want?
