Posts in Category: All Things Denote

All Things Denote There is a God- Caring For Each Other

John Steffen currently serves as the bishop of our ward (congregation) in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Today he spoke of miracles in the church, including the miracle of home teaching and visiting teaching. Each family in the congregation is assigned a pair of home teachers. They visit the family regularly and look after their temporal and spiritual needs. They are the eyes and ears of the bishop to help him take care of his flock. Similarly, each sister in the ward is assigned a pair of visiting teachers who visit and care for that individual sister. Bishop Steffen witnessed today that the programs of home teaching and visiting teaching are truly miracles. It is not just the organization of the program that makes it work. Rather it is the Lord’s inspired way to care for His people. Indeed many faithful members visit and help and support the families they have been assigned without any temporal reward or fanfare. They are blessed by the Lord’s spirit and peace for taking part in His inspired plan. In this simple program, the reality of God and his power are manifest.

All things denote there is a God.

Stephanie and Bishop John Steffen

All Things Denote There is a God- Cousins

Just as a relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is magical, so it is with the relationship of cousins. It is interesting to me that cousins separated by many miles can see each other, only on occasion, and still have a strong bond. They can pick up where they left off without skipping a beat– playing, sharing and talking as if they had seen each other the day before. This is more than coincidence. The strong bonds of family are a gift from God.

All things denote there is a God.

All Things Denote There is a God- Grandparents & Grandchildren

I am intrigued by the words of the Prophet Alma in the Book of Mormon when he states “all things denote there is a God”. I feel challenged to find the application of this teaching in my own life. I believe that finding evidence of God in all things is the essence of developing a grateful heart and a grateful heart is the key to happiness in this life. The image below expresses the love between a Grandpa and his granddaughter. In such a relationship there is a bond of love that is stronger than logic would dictate. It is a magical connection that emanates from the heart even when such relationships are renewed only periodically.

All things denote there is a God.